
How To Repair Mobile Home Ceiling Panels

I've noticed homeowners are especially intimidated when it comes to mobile domicile ceilings. If you know your way effectually a toolbox and have had a few construction projects nether your belt you lot should exist able to replace your mobile dwelling ceiling with drywall as long as y'all take some help and/or the right tools.

Replacing mobile home ceilings is a difficult topic to effort to comprehend because there are and then many variables but nosotros've pulled together a few good tips that should help you replace your mobile home ceilings with drywall.

Calculation Sheetrock Over Your Original Ceiling Panels

In many cases, you could and should place the new ceiling over the original gypsum ceiling panels (bold they are good for you).

Furring Strips

If you are leaving the original ceiling on you will need to use Furring Strips.

Furring strips are usually 1″x3″ or 1″x4″ boards that are fastened to the ceiling perpendicular to the trusses so new ceiling material can be screwed, stapled, and glued to information technology. Furring strips simply adds more points of contact for the drywall or ceiling panel.


This illustration shows new drywall installed over the erstwhile ceiling using 1×3″ furring strips. (Source: The Family unit Handyman)

Shims are used to go the furring strips level and even.

Removing the Gypsom Ceiling Panels in a Mobile Home

To remove an original ceiling panel from a mobile home you will start want to protect everything under the ceiling. If in that location is a possibility of mold or mildew y'all want to wear gloves, rubber spectacles, and mask.

Stride one: Remove Lite Fixtures, Trim, Battens, and Fake Beams

Of course, you'll need to remove all the additions to the ceiling such as the light fixture, trim, battens or strips that cover the seams, and the the imitation beams.

If you take beams you'll need to remove them earlier you get to the gypsum paneling. Those beams are normally just 3-sided "boxes" screwed directly into a truss sitting above it. Unscrewing and pulling information technology down with a pry bar is the easiest way.

Once y'all have the trim, battens, and false beams removed you lot'll want to beginning taking the rosettes out of the panels equally yous go from one panel to the next.

Removing Glued Splines

If you accept a ceiling with the glued splines you'll have to pull each of the splines off and and then pull out all the staples. Fair warning, there are usually a ton of staples.

Ripping strips down from a mobile home ceiling

Step 2: Cut Ceiling Panels around Perimeter

Next, yous cut the ceiling panels around the perimeter of the walls. Ceiling panels get attached to trusses showtime and and then hoisted onto the domicile so the panel is sandwiched between the top of the wall and the lesser of the roof truss. If you lot can dig the old ceiling out go ahead and exercise it and then you can utilize that small space as a ledge for the new ceiling. However, it'due south not necessary.

Step iii: Loosening the Panels

At this point, you lot should be able to remove the ceiling in sections. Using a crowbar to push button up betwixt the trusses and then gently pulling downwardly on the panel should get the task washed quickly. What you lot are trying to do is loosen the adhesive that is used to glue the ceiling panels to the roof truss. Exist easy, you don't want to damage the insulation or trusses.

The following images are from Frugal Farm Married woman of their mobile home remodeling project.

pulling old ceiling down in a mobile home5 1
pulling old ceiling down in a mobile home10

Experts Recommend Homeowners Add New Insulation in the Roof Cavity When Replacing Mobile Home Ceilings

If you are replacing a mobile dwelling house ceiling you'll want to consider replacing the insulation in the attic. Information technology'due south a must-do, to exist honest. In that location's really no better fourth dimension and new insulation can absolutely relieve money on heating and cooling. It's not often you lot take access to your mobile home'southward cranium space so have advantage of it.

Insulation professionals can drill out a plug between every truss in the original ceiling and blow the new insulation and and then replug the hole. Information technology'southward aptly called the drill and plug procedure and it'southward worth every penny, especially in mobile homes that are over 30 years old.

Blowing insulation into the roof cavity is the most constructive and economical method for calculation insulation to the manufactured home's roof assembly.

John Krigger, Your Mobile Home

Older mobile homes usually have blown-in insulation in the attic if at that place's any at all.

Most manufactured home factories accident loose-fill insulation into the attic. However, transporting, settling, condensation and fifty-fifty critters can motility the loose insulation around which leaves naked spots. Plus, there are much better insulation products available present.

Drilling the holes in the mobile home'southward ceiling to blow insulation in the cranium.
Using a hose to accident insulation into the mobile home attic. They plug the holes when they are finished.

The image beneath is also from Frugal Subcontract Wife and shows a single wide that but had its original ceiling panel removed. Yous're seeing the vapor bulwark with the insulation to a higher place. The home has meliorate insulation than many older mobile homes though there is noticeable damage from condensation or h2o.

The owners replaced all the insulation and installed a new drywall ceiling.

pulling old ceiling down in a mobile home4
The insulation and vapor bulwark above a mobile habitation ceiling subsequently it was pulled down. (Epitome: Frugal Farmhouse)

Which Drywall is All-time for Mobile Abode Ceilings?

There are many different recommendations regarding the correct thickness of drywall for a mobile home ceiling. Y'all'd call back it would be a fairly universal thing simply zero is e'er easy when a mobile home is involved.

The master issue with using drywall on mobile home ceilings is its weight. Older mobile homes with smaller trusses that are 24″ apart cannot handle too much weight.

If your trusses are 24″ autonomously and you practice not desire to reinforce them you can use the Sheetrock Ultralight Panels.

The Weight of Drywall

Drywall is available in iv-foot past 8-foot panels and four bones thicknesses: 1/four inch, iii/viii inch, 1/ii inch, 5/8 inch. The thicker the drywall the heavier it volition be. Therefore, you do not want thick drywall on your ceiling.

A sail of 1/four″ thick drywall that is 4′ x viii′ weighs approximately38.4 lbs.

Drywall that is 3/8″ thick and 4'x8′ weighs 44.8 pounds.

One-half inch thick (one/2″) thick drywall weighs 1.half dozen pounds per square foot so a 4-foot by 8-pes canvas weighs a total of 51.2 pounds per panel or sheet.

Drywall that is five/8″ thick is, of class, a footling heavier, at two.31 pounds per square foot or 73.92 pounds per sheet which is entirely as well much for mobile home ceilings.

The i/2″ thick 4'X8′ Lightweight panels weight approximately 38.4 lbs.

one/2″ thick drywall is the most recommended for mobile dwelling house ceiling replacements. bold the trusses can handle it. If not You lot volition need to reinforce the trusses and add together furring strips to give the drywall a style to be screwed in every 12 every bit recommended.

SHEETROCK UltraLight Panels are ideal for apply on ceilings with upwards to 24-inch on-center framing and water-based texture, presenting potential price-savings when used as a replacement for 5/8-inch blazon X board used on ceilings or 1/2-inch interior ceiling lath. The panels are available in standard lengths, including 8-, x-, 12-, xiv- and sixteen-foot panels in 48- and 54-inch widths.

Width and Length

Drywall is bachelor in a diverseness of lengths and the to the lowest degree amount of joints you have the to the lowest degree corporeality of headaches. The width is e'er 4-foot only you can go drywall as long as fourteen human foot. Ane sheet to go across the entire width of a single broad is perfect, just a bit difficult to handle.

A ten′ long panel is a petty easier to maneuver and will withal reduce the number of joints.

Tools and Materials Needed to Replace Mobile Home Ceilings

Drywall is one of the best materials to supersede a ceiling in a mobile home simply installing it on to a mobile home ceiling is a literal pain in the neck.

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It's not so much the drywall that is so expensive simply all the tools and other stuff you demand for it. To run downward some quick numbers:

  • Screws: one for every square human foot of drywall yous hang (Type Westward for wood, Type Thou for gypsum, or Type South for steel depending on your installation). 1/2 pound of screws can hang 200 square feet of drywall.
  • Joint Compound: 1 gallon for every 150 foursquare pes of drywall (give or take)
  • Tape: For every 500 square foot of drywall you will need almost 200 anxiety or so of joint record.

Infringe or Rent Listing

Besides your bones tools needed for mobile homes and as shown above and the materials list you have to buy, y'all'll probably need at least one of the post-obit. Luckily, y'all can hire or borrow these.

  • Deadman, T-Bar, or Drywall Lift
  • 4-foot T-Square
  • Taping Pocketknife (two″, half-dozen″, 12″)
  • Drywall Saw
  • Utility Saw
  • Sandy Pole
  • Record Dispenser

How to Hang Drywall on a Mobile Habitation Ceiling

Yous've got your drywall and all the tools and materials and you are fix to ringlet. Hanging drywall is fairly cut and dry (information technology'southward the taping and mudding that can get brand you or break you).

If yous spotter this video y'all'll see how the homeowner of a 1989 double wide added sis joists to the original trusses to give information technology plenty stability and strength to handle the 3/8″ drywall:

Note: Unfortunately, the guy in the video below has negative opinions almost mobile homes merely the video is a good visual resource and I appreciate the information. I think it volition assist homeowners understand how thier roof is constructed and how to reinforce the trusses:        

To reinforce the trusses to withstand the weight of the drywall the owner added 2″x4″southward beside the original trusses (the metal is holding it up):

Adding joists to mobile home truss

Bill Sabin is restoring a vintage Kropf mobile home and shares the process on our new Facebook group Mobile Dwelling Living: Remodels and Repairs – come up join us! It's a groovy group of mobile homeowners. You can see he has used a single piece of sheetrock to span the entire width of the ceiling. His next step is to tape and mud.

Vintage Mobil Ehome Restoration Bill Sabin FBG4 1

If y'all haven't done drywall before I exercise urge yous to hire it out or find someone to aid that has experience if you want the best results. It's not that information technology'south a difficult job just information technology's one where experience makes all the difference.

A bad drywall finish cannot exist hidden by texture. In fact, texture oftentimes makes the little mistakes appear much bigger.

Having sheetrock ceilings and walls in a mobile habitation creates a clean and beautiful canvas.

remodeled single wide mobile home for sale in Denver Craigslist Steve6
This single wide mobile home has new sheetrock ceilings and walls. Drywall offers a clean seamless look (Source: Realtor).

Proficient Tips for the Best Drywall Results

Thankfully, it'south non difficult to find videos and experts knowledge online. Here are some of the best tips we've institute for drywalling a mobile home ceiling:

  • You ever desire to reduce the number of joints when hanging drywall. Use a single board to bridge the unabridged width of the ceiling if at all possible (you lot can order drywall in several lengths and many home comeback stores will deliver).
  • Hang drywall perpendicular to roof trusses or joists only if a parallel placement will reduce the number of joints that could be a better choice. Staggering the butt joints and installing them away from the center of the ceiling will help conceal them better.
  • If you lot are gutting a room and replacing the walls and the ceiling install the ceilings first and so that the walls can act as a ledge for the ceiling. Use every piffling reward you can to concur the ceiling up.
  • Match seams together: square cut to foursquare-cut, tapered to tapered.

How to Apply Knockdown Texture to Your Ceiling

Textured ceilings are not as fashionable as they used to be. In fact, many homeowners in our Mobile Dwelling Living: Remodels and Repairs Facebook Grouping are removing texture from their ceilings. Textured ceiling tends to collect grit and is hard to make clean and paint. Some homeowners swear that their ceilings feel higher later they removed the texture from the ceilings.

Notwithstanding, adding a little texture over a new drywall ceiling can plow a 4-twenty-four hour period job into a 2-day job past covering up the seams and errors.

In that location are several dissimilar ways to terminate drywall. You can use dissimilar techniques and application methods to achieve different looks. Orange pare (also chosen splatter or eggshell), Mediterranian, and knockdown are all popular designs.

Knockdown is an like shooting fish in a barrel method of finishing a drywall ceiling. It hides the imperfections but doesn't give the surface a full popcorn terminate. This video shows what you need and how to apply a knockdown texture in a couple of different ways.

Determination: Replacing Mobile Abode Ceilings

1 commodity isn't plenty to learn everything nigh replacing mobile dwelling house ceilings just we covered a lot here.

Have y'all or are you lot replacing your mobile domicile ceilings? Have you done a ceiling replacement with sheetrock? Nosotros'd love to see and hear from you lot in our new Facebook group, Mobile Home Living: Remodels and Repair. We've managed to go over three,000 members in merely a few months and everyone is and so friendly, supportive, and helpful in the group.

As e'er, cheers so much for reading Mobile Home Living®!


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